Who was Dirk Müller


Who was Dirk Müller

Dirk Müller was born on March 13, 1968 in Essen, Germany, the son of Horst Müller, a technical school teacher, and Karin Müller, a housewife and secretary at the RWTH. He lived and grew up in the city of Aachen with his older sister in the family home.  Dirk attended elementary school, junior high school and high school, was a lively, restless and interested in learning boy, and was very fond of sports, his forte being athletics. Given his competent character, he participated in several competitions.

After finishing high school he entered the University of Aachen, where he studied industrial engineering. At this stage he strived to achieve his goals, but not without neglecting his social life. Here he made great friendships that lasted all his life.

After finishing his studies, he traveled to South Africa for an internship, he was there for a few months, he got to know the world from another perspective. After finishing his internship and studies he got his first job at P&G, where he stayed for more than 20 years, where he held different positions, he was fascinated to start new projects and always eager to learn new things, he enjoyed and had the possibility to go abroad with the company.

In 1999 he traveled for the first time to Peru, and the following year he celebrated his marriage with a Peruvian woman and since then he is proud of his own Peruvian-German family. He had two children and was always very proud of this and to know that for him they were in the first place. One of his greatest dreams, when he entered the pension, was to go to Peru and realize some aid projects.  One of his great qualities was that he always gave his best and was always willing to help others, no matter what position he was in. In December 2019 very close to traveling to Peru to spend Christmas there, he suffered a stroke, and after 10 days he lost his biggest battle. Nereyda, Marc & Chris are grateful and blessed to have enjoyed Dirk, even though it was a short one. Willing to follow his example and the many values that he always taught us.